January 02, 2022

DAY 1 - Concentrated Covid-19 Exposure Begins

This post reviews Dec 31 and Jan 1 -


Even though we were 60 miles apart, my son and I were about to become part of a major Covid-19 experiment. He was at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, and I was sitting in a two story house in Durham, NC watching TV with my ex-wife (yeah, crazy world we live in...). It's December 31, 2021 and about 3 hours till the New Year's ball drops in New York City Times Square to begin 2022.

Earlier that day my son's friend received confirmation from her doctor - the PCR test was positive for Covid-19. The woman didn't need hospitalization but did have moderate symptoms including a sore throat, excessive tiredness and coughing every 15 minutes.

My son (being the nice guy he is), was staying in her room to help with those little things sick people need. However, unlike the nice woman he was helping, my son wasn't vaccinated and neither was his pop (that's me folks). Maybe a little naive or maybe not, but neither of us were overly concerned about catching Covid because we knew a lot of something that no one else did - all of which has been explained in the dozens of scientific studies I've reviewed the past year here on my FB page and my website coronanlm.com

Back to New Years
So, in my situation, my "ex" (I'll call her Mary) told me her nursing home patient (whom she works with closely) was diagnosed days earlier with Covid-19 and according to her test results this morning, Mary is also infected with Covid-19. Along with this, my 14 year old daughter has been very sick so we took her to the doctor yesterday. They did the PCR test and the office called us this morning - she was also positive for Covid-19.

As Mary watched TV on New Years Eve 5 days ago, she would push out some horrendous "finger-nail on the chalkboard" dry coughs every 5 minutes or so. This is where I did something most would consider not a wise decision. Instead of cowardly hunkering down on the other side of the house, I sat down in my favorite chair three feet in front of Mary. This would ensure I was in the direct line of fire for Mary's next cough and each one five minutes thereafter. My goal here was to make sure I got the largest dose of coronavirus possible under a real-life situation. Neither of us wore masks and as I stated - I am not vaccinated.

All Viruses Increasing
While many of you may be squinting your eyes right about now and thinking WTF? - there is actually quite a bit of logic and importance behind this little science experiment. You see, it's not just Covid that we should be concerned about. When going over the numbers for the past 50 years, nearly all viruses have been increasing per capita each decade from the flu to the syncytial virus. This provides undeniable evidence the human race is doing something that is weakening our immune systems and increasing rates of viral infection.

Why Covid Deaths Vary Between Countries 
Another fascinating observation that is rarely discussed is Covid-19 deaths vary dramatically from one country to the next. After spending 4 hours investigating this topic, this was readily apparent in nearly all countries in Africa.

Nigeria is the largest country in Africa with a population of over 200 million. When looking at total Covid-19 deaths by the end of 2021, Nigeria's death rate was about 15 per one million people. In the United States, our country had a Covid-19 death rate of 2,450 per million people. I"ve triple checked these numbers from different sources and they are accurate. So, here we have the largest country in Africa with a population of over 200 million but only 15 people per million had died from Covid by the end of 2021. This means people living in the United states were experiencing more than a 150-times greater chance of dying from Covid than people living in Africa. Yes, their population is younger but nowhere near enough to explain this drastic difference.

Nigeria has extremely poor sanitation, sparse medical care and less than 3% of their population was vaccinated by Dec. 2021 Yet, with all this against them, their Covid death rate was 150 times less than the U.S. In fact, the chance of dying in a car crash in the United States is dozens of times higher than dying of Covid in Nigeria. Think about that....

Obviously, these statistics are not coincidence and there is certainly something going on to explain the difference. The most logical explanations for this according to the research include dietary factors and environmental factors that can weaken one's immune system. Although this topic (called immuno-toxicology) is studied extensively in scientific journals, the media hasn't passed this information onto the public and most people probably have no clue what immuno-toxicology even is...

For those of you who follow my posts here on my FB page, you know I've put in hundreds if not thousands of hours reviewing hundreds of peer-reviewed studies on just this subject.

What's immensely frustrating - on the one hand, we have reviewed dozens of these studies here on FB regarding circumstances that damage the human immune system, but dog-gone if even one study has been conducted where scientists have taken the findings from all these studies and applied them toward a new study using human subjects.

In other words, the research Ph.D's (the ones who teach medical doctors) have now identified hundreds of petroleum based compounds in our lives that are clearly showing the ability to weaken our immune system. This weakening by the way, often occurs at extremely low levels of exposure. Certainly something to think about.

Therefore, it should appear pretty much common-sense that we need to get on the ball and investigate if simultaneous avoidance of these immune-weakening compounds could elevate and restore high quality immune function, and thereby, reduce viral infection - and that is where I come in.

Along with this, I know for a fact that I am not at high risk of Covid severity because I have a white blood count of about 6,800 cells per drop of blood and a lymphocyte count near 2,000. In studies of individuals who are infected with Covid, but no symptoms (called asymptomatic and 70% of all cases) their lymphocyte counts are nearly always above 1,800. In fact, one study followed a man who was Covid positive but unable to infect even one of the hundreds of close contacts he had in the days during infection. Interestingly, this man's lymphocyte count was 2,100 (which is what occurs in the top 50% of the U.S. population). This tells us there is some immunological mechanism in place that appears to block the virus's ability to infect others. I would imagine any society that was looking to mitigate future health problems would find this a worthwhile area of future research.

On January 4th, 2022, the head of Pfizer said we can't keep vaccinating the public every 6 months. Therefore, if we are going to successfully stop the spread of this and future viruses - we better get on the ball and find a way other than vaccinations to reduce our vulnerability to infection.

Let me start by saying I am not a doctor, but was a public school teacher in Florida for about 10 years. I taught children with severe behavior problems, Middle School Science and High School Behavior Disordered students. I served in the U.S. Peace Corps as a Reading Teacher trainer in the poorest areas of Jamaica. My educational background includes a Masters Degree in Education from University of Florida and I studied Environmental Health, Epidemiology and Developmental Neurotoxicology at University of South Florida.

In just the past year, over one dozen studies have been published from NIH and universities around the world showing that as exposures to vehicle exhaust increases (such as in extensive driving and close proximity to roadways), so does the rate of viral infection.

Along with this, numerous and very concerning studies have shown exposure to the disinfectants we use in trying to prevent Covid-19, are actually having the reverse effect and weakening critical immune defenses (these studies are detailed in previous FB posts). So, while disinfectants may kill germs on a countertop surface (which basically never translates into infection), the chemicals sprayed are inhaled by us which then weakens the defenses we need to protect from airborne viral infection. This explains why disinfectants are being found to increase viral infections.

Personally, I have never used disinfectants - all countertops are wiped with water, nothing more. I would never use hand sanitizers because of their ability to damage beneficial bacteria needed for preventing autoimmunity and do not use chemical based hygiene products.

I do put in a very large amount of effort in selecting and consuming what most people would consider an insane variety of 100% organic vegetables and fruits. The reason for this is supported by many studies showing that different plants of different colors contain highly bioactive compounds known as polyphenols. A number of these polyphenols are being found to have the ability to bind onto the coronavirus S-Protein (like antibodies do from vaccinations) and also bind onto ACE2 receptors in our lungs, intestines etc.

As many of you probably know, ACE2 receptors are the doorway that sits on the outside of our cells which allow the coronavirus to attach and multiply. Therefore, just common sense would tell us that anything capable of blocking this process day-in and day-out would be one heck of a good strategy to implement.

Another absolutely fascinating discovery is that some polyphenols contain powerful compounds known as "protease inhibitors" - You need to remember this folks because protease inhibitors can dramatically slow the speed in which a virus can multiply (aka Virus Birth Control).

Because of the dozens of studies showing immune weakening potential from plastic chemicals known as BPA and Phthalates, I wouldn't even consider eating or drinking anything from plastic - Just glass for me. I won't use bug sprays - fragrances - chemical based laundry products etc. I don't use chemical based suntan lotions and avoid public highways and take the longer back roads to avoid vehicle exhaust. There are many other things I'm also doing which the research clearly shows reduces the risk of viral infection. All of these may be working in parallel which could explain the delay in contracting the infection myself.

Why others should not try this  
The concentrated exposure I'm placing on myself with direct contact with three positive Covid family members should NOT be tried by others because of the potential risks and especially for those with pre-existing conditions. It is also highly unlikely that people would go to the extremes I did in organic meal preparation and avoidance of endocrine disrupting compounds.

I'm curious how long I can keep myself in this high exposure situation and not become infected. It's been about 6 days and still no symptoms. I imagine in another day or two I may begin showing something, but one thing for sure - my inability to become infected with Covid so far certainly isn't from a lack of trying.

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