January 15, 2022

DAY 15 - FREE AirBnB to Long Covid Survivors in the Name of Science.

The latest studies show those with Long Covid have significant deficiencies in Natural Killer and T cells, as well as high levels of autoantibodies attacking healthy tissue.  Along with this the most recent studies show significant improvements in natural killer cells can be achieved by simple lifestyle changes including enhanced polyphenol intake.

This would suggest that Long Covid symptoms could be reversed relatively quickly by the simultaneous implementation of numerous strategies.  

If you have or know someone with diagnosed Long Covid, I am offering a free two week stay at our AirBnb in the name of science.  This is a very nice AirBnB that can accommodate two or three people comfortably.  Strong Evidence for Improving Long Covid

I am preferably looking for someone who has not only been diagnosed with Long Covid, but also has blood tests showing high C-Reactive Protein (CRP), which is a sign of inflammation and tissue damage which can increase Covid symptoms. 

Also, having either a low lymphocyte or high neutrophil count would be markers that would suggest the strategies here would help.  If you have Long Covid and still test positive for Covid-19, we would be very interested in your participation and be willing to increase compensation as well.

Along with the free 2 week stay at our AirBnB, we will provide all food at no cost and a $300 thank you for helping in this important research project. 

Jerry's Temperature: Normal -
Family Symptoms:  I still feel great and have 0 symptoms. Mary and daughter Grace feel good but Grace now says she has a slight cough and runny nose.  I've read of people testing negative then positive again so I'll test her later as well.   Not sure how son Gene is feeling today.

The picture above shows Covid Mary and I spending some close-proximity time together (unusual after our divorce...). This occurred while she was at her most infectious point around Jan 4th.  I intentionally put myself in very close proximity to Mary dozens of times throughout the "experiment" to insure I received maximum exposure to the virus.  

Since the studies also show infective virus aerosol particles are emitted in even during breathing, I would imagine with both of us talking at 1 foot apart, this would insure I received a rather good dose.   

Let me stress that this should NEVER be tried by anyone or they could experience severe infection.  A large amount of research and preparation was implemented prior to exposure and included intake of specific fruits and vegetables known to contain specific polyphenols that stimulate "natural killer cell" multiplication and gut microbiome integrity.  Along with this, very careful precautions were undertaken to avoid the 34 endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) identified by Harvard scientists as having strong potential to interfere with critical cytokine immune system signals necessary for successful activation of immune cells involved in eliminating the coronavirus.  

If you would like to find out more about joining us for a 2 week Long Covid Intervention Study - please complete the form at this link - 

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